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Bulletin Calendar of Events


Women’s Divison, Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies. 71 west 47th street, 11 a. m. ”Communty organization,” E. c. Linderman.

Conference, women’s division, Emergency. Campaign for the Settlement of German Jewish Refugee Childreen in Palestine, Hotel St. Gorge, Brockllyn, evening. Mrs. Harry H. Tracy, chairman.

Menorah benefit theatre party, Marosco Theatre, 45th street and Broadway, ”By your Leave,” evening.

”Is There a Jewish Art?” illustrated by exhibit by Lioned Reiss and Leo W Schwartz, Y. W. H. A., 31 West 110th street, 8:30 p.m.

Brooklyn Jewish Center, 667 Eastern Parkway, envening. ”A Pyschologist’s View of Happiness,” Professor Joseph Jastrow.

Young People’s League, United Synagogue of American, will sponsor a radio take by Sidney H. Reiss: ”George Washington and Hayn Solomon,” 9:45 p. m., Station WBNX.

Forum, Young Israel of Brooklyn, 563 Bedford avenue, 8:45 p. m Addresses by Harry G. Fromberg, former president, of Young Issrael of America; Julius Reinlieb.

Meeting and bringe, Wimen’s League of Jewish Science. True Sistuers’ Building, 150 West 85th street, 2 p. m.

Mizrachi of Uptown meeting, Vestry rooms Chab Zedek Synagogue, 113 West 95th street, 8:30 p. m.

Beneifit bridge party. sisterhood of Park Avenue Synagogue. 50 Est 87th street. Mrs. Rita Millheiser, hostess.

Sisterhood luncheon and bridge, Congregation Sharrt Zedek, Kingston avenue and Park Place, Brooklyn, 1 p. m.

Coca Cola Building, 431 Est 165th street, Bronx, afternoon, card party benefit, for Day and Night Shelter.

West Bronx Division of Ivriah meeting, Burnside Manor, 85 West Burnside avenue, afternoon.

Meeitng, ways and means committee, Temple Beth Emeth of Flathush, Church avenue corner Mariboro road, Brooklyn, 8 p. m.

Long Beach division American Jewish Congress Talmud Torah building, Long Beach. Rev. Stanley High, ”The Jewish Situation in Germany.”

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